The JB Griffin Memorial Foundation announced Home Nursing Agency as the beneficiary of the Shaner 12th Annual Charity Golf Tournament. Home Nursing Agency is the region’s premier not-for-profit, community benefit provider of home and community-based services including hospice, home care and pediatric specialty care and was recognized by the JB Griffin Memorial Foundation for providing “heartfelt nursing care” of JB Griffin and many individuals in the community. JB Griffin was the CFO of the Shaner Group who passed away last August at the age of 52. The Shaner Annual Charity Golf Tournament benefits the newly formed JB Griffin Foundation, which named Home Nursing Agency as the recipient of funds.
You can learn about the event by checking out this flyer. You can register online to golf in the Tournament, which is set for August 10, 2012, at the PSU Golf Courses, or by completing and mailing this registration form.
For more information about the JB Griffin Memorial Foundation Annual Charity Golf Tournament, you can call 814-278-7247. You can learn more about the Agency’s involvement by contacting Pam Seasoltz, Director of Development, at 1-800-992-2554, ext. 2565.