
Home Nursing Agency was recently awarded grant funding from fourlocal organizations. The generous support of these organizations helps the Agency to continue offering programs for young people in our community at vulnerable times in their lives: Nurse-Family Partnership® and the Healing Patch: A Center for Loss and Hope for Grieving Children and Their Families.

Home Nursing Agency gratefully acknowledges the following organizations for awarding grants to these Agency programs:

Operation Our Town:
$5,000 to Nurse-Family Partnership for the purchase of home and vehicle safety items, breastfeeding aids and feeding supplies.

Pictured: Teresa Salome, back left, Nurse-Family Partnership Supervisor, is pictured with the other recipients of the 2012 Operation Our Town grants.




Lee Initiatives:
$25,000 to Nurse-Family Partnership®
$10,000 to the Healing Patch

Pictured from left: Mildred Nelson, Lee Initiatives Board of Trustees Member; Allison Stockley, Home Nursing Agency Bereavement Manager; Anita B. Faas, Lee Initiatves Excecutive Director; John W. Augustine, Lee Initiatives Board of Trustees Chair and Lisa A. Ritchey, Home Nursing Agency Nurse-Family Partnership Director.

Community Foundation of the Alleghenies:
$2,000 to the Healing Patch

Laurel Highlands United Way:
$14,000 to the Healing Patch

Pictured: Allison Stockley, Home Nursing Agency Bereavement Manager, accepts the certificate for $14,000 to the Agency's Healing Patch from T.J. Piro, Member of the United Way of the Laurel Highlands Board of Directors.

About the Programs:
Nurse-Family Partnership® is a free home visitation program through which nurses mentor income-eligible first-time mothers, providing education and support from early pregnancy through the child's second birthday.

The Healing Patch: A Center for Loss and Hope for Grieving Children and Their Families is a peer support program designed specifically for children and their families who have suffered the loss of a significant loved one. The Healing Patch offers a safe environment where grieving children and their families can discover they are not alone in their grief by interacting with others who have encountered similar losses. By sharing memories and experiences, families discover that what they are going through is normal and that hope and healing are possible.

For more information about any Home Nursing Agency programs or services, please visit the Services area of our website or call 1.800.445.6262.