The Hospice Foundation of America recently conducted its 17th annual live teleconference at the First Church of Christ in Altoona located at Juniata Gap and Good Shepherd Roads.
The live teleconference focused on "Cancer and End-of-Life Care" and was sponsored by the Altoona Regional Health System, Home Nursing Agency and CONTACT Altoona. The main topics discussed included The Nature of Cancer, Treating Cancer, Psychological Aspects of Cancer, Grief and Cancer. Several local healthcare professionals and educators joined six panelists from around the nation during the teleconference for question and answer segments and discussion. Local panelists included Georgine Safko-Dodson, Home Nursing Agency Hospice Clinical Nurse Specialist; Jennifer Good, M.D., Home Nursing Agency Hospice Medical Director; Pastor John Collins, First Church of Christ; April Karlheim, Home Nursing Agency Mental Health Counselor; Cindy Rematt, Care Coordinator at Altoona Regional Health System; and Reverend Monsignor Robert Mazur, Rector of the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, Altoona-Johnstown Diocese.