Representative Rick Geist, PA-79th (Blair) and his legislative assistant Julius “Sky” Iacurto visited Home Nursing Agency’s Adult Center for Exceptional Learning (ACEL) to meet some of the 50 individuals living with Intellectual Disabilities whom we serve in our community-based day program in Lakemont. ACEL Director Lorrie Hetager and Senior VP of Administration Becky Willnecker discussed transportation and some pertinent issues as a result of heightened Department of Public Welfare (DPW) regulations and decreased reimbursements of almost $1 per quarter hour/day rate [$3.66 to $2.69] via DPW’s Office of Developmental Programs (ODP). In light of Pennsylvania’s current revenue deficits which may further incite cuts to DPW, and perhaps ODP specifically, in the forthcoming budget year, it was imperative for the Agency to educate and raise awareness among key stakeholders like Rep. Geist on how ACEL represents cost-effective and compassionate care. For individuals living with severe physical and cognitive disabilities, the cost per year is approximately $20,000 [and less] a year at the Lakemont center versus $256,000 at a state-operated center, according to the PA Office of Developmental Programs. Rep. Geist was asked to oppose any proposed legislation that would negatively impact ACEL and to support legislation that provides additional resources to Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS). “I am truly humbled by the high levels of care and compassion at ACEL,” Geist remarked.
Top photo from left: Rep. Rick Geist's legislative assistant Julius "Sky" Iacurto, ACEL Director Lorrie Hetager and Rep. Rick Geist.
Bottom photo from left: Home Nursing Agency Sr. VP of Administration Becky Willnecker, Rep. Rick Geist's legislative assistant Julius "Sky" Iacurto, ACEL Director Lorrie Hetager and Rep. Rick Geist.