

Lights of Love, a special tribute event of Home Nursing Agency, invited members of the public to "shine their own special light" in honor or memory of someone dear to them through a charitable contribution to benefit Hospice and Bereavement programs and The Healing Patch, A Center for Loss and Hope for Grieving Children and Their Families.

 The following were gifts received for Lights of Love. You can contribute to Home Nursing Agency by clicking here.

Remembering Those We Love

Craig Ashe
By Mrs. Lynn Ashe

George I. Bardell and George D. Bardell
By Mrs. Dona K. Bardell

Cory Lynn
By Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Barrett

Jack Beegle
By Mrs. Vera Beegle

Neva Restley
By Mrs. Darlene Beltz

Harry L. Blazier
By Mrs. Patricia L. Blazier

Jim Bookhamer, Jr.
By Mrs. Margaret G. Bookhamer

Wesley A. Boone
By Mrs. Phyllis M. Boone

Mildred Brady
By Mr. Charles V. Brady

Deceased loved ones
By Mrs. Nova Brubaker

Nancy S. Cawthern
By Mr. Charles Cawthern

George E. Churella
By Mrs. Elizabeth L. Churella

Jay Stovall
By Ms. Courtney Cunkelman Stovall

Mary Clare Delozier and Dave Delozier
By Mr. Leo F. Delozier

Willard B. Delp
By Mrs. Arlene H. Delp

Edward (Skeets) Detterbeck
By Mrs. Mary Ann Detterbeck

Delphina Rutolo
By Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Enck

Dora Felix
By Mr. Homer P. Felix

Deceased family members
By Mr. and Mrs. Philip Freeman, Jr.

Deceased family members
By Ms. Carol Galioto

Fred C. Gerhart
By Mrs. Barbara J. Gerhart

Deceased family members
By Miss Patricia M. Gildea

Julia Grove
By Mr. Steven M. Grove

Elfriede Hartwig
By Mr. Nathan L. Hartwig

Glenn Hassinger
By Mrs. Greta J. Hassinger

Helen Evangelista
By Ms. Mona L. Henck

Joann and Charley Hickey
By Ms. Pamela J. Hickey

Grace I. Wright
By Mrs. Rosalyn A. Howsare

Amadeo Jade DeStefano
By Ms. Crystal L. Hritz

By Mrs. Naomi C. Jarrett

Eddie M. Johnson
By Ms. Marilyn A. Johnson

Dorothy Kahley
By Mr. James H. Kahley

Erma Kane
By Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Kane

Marvin Hamman and Emma Hamman
By Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Kauffman

Kathryn Claar
By Ms. Naomi Kimmel

Eugene Peryea
By Mr. and Mrs. Scott T. Kranz

Audrey Kull
By Mr. Joseph R. Kull

Eugene G. Lancaster
By Mrs. Alice M. Lancaster

Mary Lorow
By Mr. Roger Lorow

Brian Joseph McCaulley
By Mrs. Justina McCaulley

Mary Meyers
By Mr. Carl Meyers

Deceased loved ones
By Mrs. Mildred S. Miller

Connie Miller
By Mr. Emanuel Miller

Mary Rita Soltis
By Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Morello

Mary Motchenbaugh
By Mr. Thomas Motchenbaugh

Joseph "Joey" Parrish, Jr.
By Ms. Stacy Ann Parrish

Melissa and Fred Pechter and Jed Satow
By Mrs. Shirley A. Pechter

Richard C. Hoover and Anna D. Hoover
By Ms. Rebecca J. Pistacchio

Chad F. Reedy
By Ms. Lucinda E. Reedy

Carolyn Routch
By Attorney James S. Routch

Janet B. Russell
By Mr. John H. Russell

Sharon Shaffer
By Dr. and Mrs. Frank E. Sangiorgio

Mildred M. Santella
By Santella Funeral Home

Jeanne Schall
By Mr. Regis W. Schall

Kay Coffman
By Miss Annette Schiappa

Dr. John G. Sheedy
By Mrs. Mary A. "Tim" Sheedy

Bernice Thomas
By Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sirianni

Jack Skipper
By Mrs. Jessie Skipper

Elmer Traux
By Mrs. Anna F. Truax

Joseph M. Vinglas
By Ms. Theresa A. Vinglas

Robert J. Garland
By Ms. Kathy M. Wagner

S. Rodger Walters
By Ms. Denise A. Walters

Adelaide Ruston
By Mr. and Mrs. David J. Willnecker

Ruth Wiser
By Mr. Gerald Wiser

Naomi Zander
By Mrs. Lisa Zander-Campbell

General Donations to Lights of Love

Mr. Barry E. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. D Paul Bailey
Ms. Erin Blocher
Mr. and Mrs. Morley A. Cohn
Mr. and Mrs. James Conner
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard L. Creppage
Mr. Kenneth Ertley
Mr. Kenneth L. Garman
Rep. and Mrs. Richard A. Geist
Mr. and Mrs. Jay A. Grubb

Ms. Janice M. Itle
Mr. Robert K. McCahan
Ms. Shirley A. Nycum
Reliance Bank
Mrs. Mary Rossman
Mr. and Mrs. David Glenn Rossman
Mr. Rayford C. Schrock
Mrs. Lisa Thompson
Mr. Donald Thompson

The official registration and financial information of Home Nursing Agency may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement. If you would like your name removed from our mailing list, please contact the Home Nursing Agency at 1-800-992-2554.