In observance of World AIDS Day on Wednesday, December 1, the volunteers, clients and staff of Home Nursing Agency’s AIDS Intervention Project (AIP) will hold a World AIDS Day Community Program and Dinner at 5:30 p.m. at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 806 13th Street in Altoona.
Entertainment will be provided by “Elvis Live” and the cost is $15 per adult and $10 per child. For tickets or for more information on AIP, please contact AIP Manager, Jerry Rice, at 814-944-2982 or via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
The World Health Organization established World AIDS Day in 1988 to raise awareness of those who have been affected by AIDS/HIV across the globe. Presently, AIP cares for individuals from Huntingdon, Bedford, Blair, and Fulton Counties who are HIV positive. AIP assists clients with medical care and housing as well as supportive and educational services. The project is Pennsylvania’s oldest AIDS service provider and refuge for anyone afflicted with the AIDS/HIV virus. AIP provides community-based and confidential services designed to assist those affected with HIV/AIDS to live with courage and dignity. AIP promotes prevention of the spread of HIV through many educational experiences offered to clients and the community.