Pomona Grangers Meet at Hoss's
A group of 16 Pomona grangers met at Hoss’s for lunch recently. After the lunch hour, a short business meeting was held with Pomona master Jodi Keith presiding, followed by a program presented by Vanessa Locke.
The speaker was introduced by Laura McCardle, Pomona lecturer. Locke works for the Home Nursing Agency and she talked about working with the elderly and handling their medication. The first question she asked the group was how many medications the average person takes and she told the group the answer was 12. The second question was how much money was spent in the last year by elderly persons, the answer was $400 billion, all from the United States.
Medications are prescribed by different doctors and, in addition to the medications, herbs are also taken by the elderly.
Information was given on the names of the medications, the dosages and the frequencies of taking them. She advised that every time you go to the doctor’s office, you should list the change on the medications, if there is any. Put this information with your insurance cards.
The pharmacist will print out the list for the year, but people need to remember they need to get all of their medications at one facility. The pharmacist will tell you if one medicine will work against another. They will also list the generic and the prescription names. The pharmacist is ready and willing to answer any question about drug interactions, effects of different foods on the medications and effects of herbs and the medicine.
Information on Coumadin therapy was given to help grangers be aware of the goal of this therapy, what it is used for and all of the ways it interacts with other medicines and foods.
Locke suggested ways the elderly can remember to take their medicines by using containers for pills for the day, the week or even a medication machine that talks to you.
Every doctor should be aware of a list of all medications; keep the list with you, recent surgeries, and any other pertinent information about you.
The theme for the fair this year is “A Century of Celebrating Fairs and Agriculture.” The state grange wants quilt blocks at all 114 fairs across the commonwealth. A decision needs to be made regarding where to put it and how to get it by the Pomona.
The meeting was closed after the time of business was given.
Caption for submitted photo: A group of Pomona grangers met at Hoss’s recently for a business meeting and program. Pomona lecturer, Laura McCardle, left, introduced Vanessa Locke, RN and patient care coordinator at the Home Nursing Agency, center, who spoke to the group on the importance of medication management. Pomona master, Jodi Keith, right, presided over the meeting.
Click here to see the story on the Huntingdon Daily News website.