Home Nursing Agency expands mental, chronic health programs
By Becky Swentosky
At Home Nursing Agency, we're advancing our preparedness to address and sustain the independence of an increasing number of individuals coping with chronic illness and behavioral health issues. We are also expanding our seamless transition of services for families throughout Centre and surrounding counties.
As a nonprofit provider of home health care, hospice care, palliative care, pediatric specialty services, grief and communitybased programs, Home Nursing Agency’s more than 100 employees in Centre have impacted thousands of the county’s residents of all ages. Last year, we helped almost 5,000 Centre County families and completed almost 40,000 home visits through the following programs and services:
Nurse-Family Partnership (expectant mothers up to 28 weeks’ gestation; children up to 2 years old): A free home visitation program beginning in 2004 throughout Centre County, nurses have mentored 208 first-time mothers and provided education and support through the child’s second birthday. Recent studies concluded at the University of Colorado have indicated that programs such as Nurse-Family Partnership have shown high success rates in promoting healthy growth and development of the baby.
Women, infants and children education and nutrition program (expectant mothers, children as old as 5): With offices in State College, Philipsburg, Howard, Snow Shoe, Bellefonte and Spring Mills, the agency’s WIC nutritionists provided more than 2,911 families in 2011 with education and vouchers for wholesome and nutritious foods. The agency’s nutritionists are also credentialed as international board certified lactation consultants.
Children and adolescent behavioral health services: Since 2002, Home Nursing Agency has provided behavioral health services to 250 children and adolescents while working collaboratively with the State College Area School District. Referred to as “Hearts and Strides,” the agency provides psychiatric and behavioral health services to children and adolescents who are experiencing serious emotional/behavioral difficulties that negatively affect their performance in school and family settings. They receive both educational and counseling services at “Hearts and Strides.” Additionally, the agency offers mental health outpatient counseling for children and adolescents experiencing emotional/behavioral difficulties that impact their performance in school, home or community settings.
Pediatric home connection (up to 18): A service for those who require 24-hour care, children in this program are technology-dependent and are coping with chronic, life-limiting disabilities. Nurses can care for children at home or accompany them to school to ensure proper medical care. The agency’s team works with Children’s Hospital in Pittsburgh, Hershey and Geisinger Medical Centers to provide care for children with complex medical needs in their own homes and communities on a regular basis. Families sometimes need additional support, not paid for by medical or government insurances, so the Home Nursing Agency Foundation mission grants have provided funds to cover the cost of relief services for parents and caregivers in this service.
Visit us at homenursingagency.com, or contact us anytime at 800-445-6262.
Becky Swentosky is a team manager of Children’s Behavioral Health Services, Centre County at Home Nursing Agency Healthcare.