New Technique Helps Relieve Anxiety and Depression
By Charlotte Ames, News Anchor for WTAJ-TV10 News Healthcast

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If you struggle with anxiety, depression, or post traumatic stress disorder, you may consider getting some counseling.

Now in our region, one therapist offers a  treatment that's designed to give   relief quickly, without medication, and  you can learn to do it on your own.
Abby McGinnis of Seward, Cambria County practices the tapping and affirmations associated with the Emotional Freedom Technique or E.F.T.

It's a type of psychological acupressure, similar to acupuncture.  E.F.T. is based on  traditional Chinese medicine  which holds the theory that  energy flows through meridians in the body and that disruption of that energy creates emotional problems.  E.F.T. involves tapping your fingertips on acupuncture meridians.
At Home Nursing Agency Center for Counseling, Therapist Pat England offers E.F.T. to most of her clients,  along with conventional treatments like behavior therapy, stress management techniques and guided imagery.

England said, "I  don't know why it works..  The proof is in the fact that it does work."
Abby came to England for counseling after she developed paralyzing anxiety and panic following a severe reaction to medication.

"Anxiety for me is just a fear a terrifying fear of you don't know what.  You can feel like you're having a heart  attack that there's just going to be doom and you can't stop it, " Abby said.

She used to be afraid to leave her home , but Abby says E.F.T. turned her life around.

In her words, "I  no longer have that, ' oh I  need a pill or rush to the emergency room type feeling.  I  can go and live my life and I have the tools right here in my own hands,  to deal with it."

England said E.F.T. is her favorite method of helping her patients.  "If i was forced at this point in my career to choose just one therapy to use, it would be E.F.T. hands down because it just works so quickly and so well, " she added.

To learn more about E.F.T., go here.
To contact Home Nursing Agency about E.F.T., call 814-943-0414.