
The Home Nursing Agency Foundation, a community benefit, non-profit organization, recently awarded 25 Mission Grants totaling $137,400 to Agency programs and services that will directly affect patient care and services provided in the home and in the community.  Since the Agency began granting dollars in 2005, approximately $857,000 has been awarded benefitting thousands of individuals and families cared for by Agency nurses, aides, therapists, staff and volunteers.

Since 1968, the Home Nursing Agency Foundation’s mission is to provide financial support to create, improve or enhance the programs and services of Home Nursing Agency that ultimately results in a benefit to the individual, the family and the community. The Foundation welcomes all private and public donations—the lifeblood of Mission Grants, and all donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

For more information about the Home Nursing Agency Foundation and how Mission Grants make an impact in the lives of individuals and families served by the Agency, contact Pam Seasoltz, Director of Development, at ext. 2565 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The following Agency programs and services were awarded Mission Grants for the 2012-2013 fiscal year:

$5,000 Hospice Emergency Fund – To help individuals who are suffering from a terminal illness maintain the family unit in a safe, warm, healthy environment by assisting with emergency utility or fuel costs, medications and other emergency situations easing the emotional and physical challenges occurring at the end of life.

$1,500 Hospice Bereavement (Services are offered up to 13 months or longer if needed to all families who have experienced the death of a loved one in our Hospice Program) – To purchase stationary items for the extended mailings to bereaved families for 13 months following the death.

$600 Hospice Veterans Program – To purchase lapel pins honoring veteran Hospice patients throughout the year.

$1,000 Hospice/Children’s Bereavement “Bridge” Program - To provide supplies for in-home bereavement support visits with children who are anticipating the pending death of a significant family member. Funding to support activities and projects that will assist in “memory making” between the Hospice patient and the child. Funding to also purchase a Comfort Bag given to each child after the death and includes a blanket, journals, picture frames and other small items to maintain attachment.

$25,000 Healing Patch -  Children’s Grief Center -  To supplement overhead costs to the Healing Patch, a peer support, volunteer-driven program that is offered free to the community. Funding also to supplement expenses for in-school groups with children who would not otherwise have access to a center or grief resources. 

$3,000 Hospice Volunteers – To provide funds to support the comfort and care of Hospice patients who are in need of bed sheets, hospital gowns, fleece blankets, and bed socks.

$3,000 AIDS Intervention Project – To fund personal care/hygiene items, cleaning supplies, vitamins and dietary supplements and assist homeless individuals and families dealing with HIV/AIDS.

$30,000 Nurse Family Partnership -  Funding to provide support to this evidence-based community health program that transforms the lives of first-time mothers living in poverty by improving pre-natal care and parenting skills resulting in child’s healthy growth and development and to improve self-sufficiency. Nurse Family Partnership serves seven counties, providing care to 300 – 600 families each year.

$4,000 Home Health Emergency Fund –Emergency funding for patients and families who are receiving home care and therapies  but have needs beyond normal circumstances and often lack life’s basic necessities, i.e. nutritional supplements, bathing aides,  bedding and medications that they are unable to afford.

$2,000 Pediatric Home Connection – (Pediatric Private Duty) - To pay for additional shifts of nursing care, respite and social services support for children who are technology-dependent and suffering from chronic, life limiting disabilities.

$500 Pediatric Home Connection – (Pediatric Private Duty) – To purchase therapeutic items needed by the child suffering a chronic, life-limiting disability that will help to ensure/maintain the child’s comfort and provide education and stimulation.

$3,800 ACEL – Adult Center for Exceptional Learning – To support the continuation of the Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art (SAMA) Artists-In-Residence Program that provides ACEL individuals who have cognitive and physical disabilities the opportunity to experience art, painting, dancing, and storytelling, which can improve their quality of life.

$7,000 ACEL – Adult Center for Exceptional Learning – To support individuals who attend the day program but who go over their funding allocation cap as well as help those who have no funding available and cannot self-pay for services. 

$6,000 Adult Day Services – To provide additional days of support to help families successfully manage the caring of a loved one who is living at home and is unable to independently perform self-care activities or function alone safely. Adult Day services can prevent or delay institutionalization through medical monitoring, social and recreational activities and personal care. 

$1,500 Blended Case Management/Resource Coordination – For clients of the Behavioral Health Program who have unexpected emergencies or when an individual has minimal income and needs beyond normal circumstances. Also helps fund household and personal hygiene products, clothes for employment/school and bus passes for those starting employment. 

$3,000 Blended Case Management/Children and Adolescents – To be used for children and adolescents who are enrolled in the Children’s Behavioral Health Program who are in need of  personal/hygiene products, cleaning products, food, seasonal clothing items and other daily living needs.  Also to be used for start up costs for community and school based activities, such as intramural sports, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and used in situations to assist children and families with no or limited income.  This program currently serves more than 400 children, adolescents and families. 

$2,500 Adult Group Blair (Art Therapy) / Adult Partial Hospitalization (Art Therapy is used in treating post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety disorders, and depression and self-esteem symptoms. The Partial Hospital Program – Offers intense therapy to individuals who are severally depressed, anxious, or experiencing psychosis.) – To support Adult Behavioral Health Program clients utilizing the art therapy program as part of their treatment plan. Funding to support art supplies used in weekly art therapy sessions and an end-of-year art show recognizing their art and celebrating National Mental Health Month.  

$25,000 Center for Counseling – To assist in providing treatment to more than 300 children and 1,000 individuals who are experiencing behavioral health issues and who otherwise would  not receive services due to having no insurance, high co-pays/deductibles or private insurances would not cover counseling services.

$1,000 Multi Systemic Therapy (MST) – MST is an intensive family and community based treatment program that focuses on encompassing the environment of the chronic and violent juvenile offender.  Funding to purchase gas for families to attend appointments (psychiatric, psychological, school and court hearings), seasonal clothing, basic household items, such as bedding and cleaning supplies and groceries, etc.

$1,500 Drug and Alcohol Adult Partial Hospitalization/D & A Adult Outpatient – To help individuals seeking drug and alcohol treatment that would otherwise not receive services due to having no insurance, high co-pays/deductible or private insurances that will not pay for D & A services.

$1,500 Adult Partial Hospitalization (Offers services such as group counseling (including art therapy) accompanied by psychiatry to aid the individual in remaining independent in their community and out of the hospital) – To help individuals with a mental health diagnosis who attend the program on a daily basis and who cannot afford co-payments related to insurance, county liabilities or financial difficulties. 

$3,000 Children and Adolescents Partial Hospitalization (Blair & Centre counties) – To stock the “reward store,” for children and adolescents enrolled in the school-based behavioral health program that utilizes a therapeutic incentive-based model that changes negative behaviors into positive ones with the use of a rewards system. 

$1,500 Therapeutic Staff Support (TSS) (Provides therapeutic support to Polar Disorder and Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorders) – To assist with community activity fees for children receiving behavioral health services.  Funds to purchase therapeutic activities and games, used either on-site at the Children’s Behavioral Health Center or taken into the child’s home.  Funds will also be used to purchase activity passes for area pools and Hollidaysburg YMCA activities that will allow TSS staff to encourage and monitor social interaction with peers.

$1,500 Blair House Crisis Residence (Provides transitional housing for homeless individuals of the Blair County Mental Health System) – To purchase a desktop computer and accessories for residents of this transitional  housing unit that will give them access to permanent housing and employment opportunities. Blair House assists homeless individuals of the Blair County Mental Health System while they seek permanent housing.

$3,000 Lexington Clubhouse – To purchase three desktop computers for use by members attending this Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program to track job development, produce a monthly newsletter, Clubhouse employment statistics, etc.  Currently inefficient computers cause frustration and escalation of mental health symptoms among members who are unable to do the required work set forth by accredited Clubhouse guidelines. 

You can make a donation to support Mission Grants for Home Nursing Agency patients, clients, and families. Click here to make a donation online.

The official registration and financial information of Home Nursing Agency may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement. If you would like to be removed from our mailing list please contact the Home Nursing Agency at 1-800-992-2554.