For children preschool thru 18-years old and their families

A Program for Loss and Hope for Grieving Children and Their Families

The Healing Patch Children's Grief Program is a peer support program designed specifically for children and their families who have suffered the death of a significant person, such as a parent, sibling, grandparent, or close family member.  The Healing Patch offers a safe environment where grieving children and their families can discover they are not alone in their grief by interacting with others who have encountered similar losses. Support is offered through peer support groups for families, in-school services, and community services.

20 Sheraton Drive, Altoona, PA 16601

Peer Support Groups

Families who enroll in the Healing Patch meet for sessions that are held twice monthly on Tuesday or Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 8:00 pm from September to May. Every evening begins with a meal of pizza together. The children then break into age-specific groups where they engage in various activities and group discussions. The use of art, drama, storytelling and play are just some of the ways children may choose to express their feelings and share with peers who can understand and empathize with those feelings. While the children are engaged, parents/guardians meet separately to discuss the impact of their significant person’s death on the family and learn how to help their children cope. By sharing memories and experiences, families discover that what they are going through is normal and that hope and healing are possible. 

Regardless if the death occurred four months ago or four years ago, these services are available to children/adolescents of all ages (preschool through 18 years) who can benefit from and contribute to a peer support group facilitated by specially trained staff and volunteers. The Healing Patch program is designed for children and their parents/guardians to attend together. If you are an adult seeking individual help with your grief experience, or if you are interested in counseling services for your child only, the Healing Patch can provide links to resources in community.  

Services Offered at No Cost

Services are available free-of-charge to families and schools. The program relies on individual and community dollars, grants, and fundraising events for support. There are many ways to support the Healing Patch. Click here to make a donation online to support the Healing Patch. Donations can also be mailed to Healing Patch, 20 Sheraton Drive, Altoona, PA 16601. 

"The Healing Patch is my daughter's place. This is where she comes and fits in. She doesn't feel like she's making me sad...I don't think she ever would have verbalized her feelings to me. She found an outlet...a great outlet at the Healing Patch."

- Cambria County, PA


Simply call 1-800-445-6262. You will be asked to provide some basic information. Next, your family will participate in an Orientation Meeting held at the Healing Patch, where your family can tour the facility and meet some of the staff and volunteers. Additionally, this meeting will help to determine if a peer support group will adequately meet the needs of each member of your family.

Memory Bears

All children who are enrolled in family group sessions receive a Memory Bear. This stuffed teddy bear is made by Healing Patch sewing volunteers from an item supplied by the family (i.e. article of clothing, printed material, etc.) that somehow connects the child to the person(s) who has died. These precious Memory Bears provide each child with something concrete that will forever tie them to the deceased. Volunteers can make a Memory Pillow instead of a bear if the child prefers. Our talented volunteers have taken anything from a pair of boxer shorts to work uniforms to create squeezable memories. Some other suggested items that may be used: shirts, sweat suits, pants, maternity clothes, baby blankets, flannel pajamas, bathrobes, handkerchiefs, blankets, etc. If families do not have any of these items, purchased material can be used. Some families have chosen to use printed material (i.e. favorite sport team, hobby, etc.) that connects the child to the deceased. Additionally, photos can be appliquéd on the bellies of the bears to help personalize.


Services in Your Community through the Healing Patch:

• In-School Services: Grief education, educational in-services, and peer support groups for grieving children who may have difficulty attending a Healing Patch center. Healing Patch staff co-facilitates with at least one school staff member through a six-week group.
• Community Education: Healing Patch staff offers speakers on topics related to loss, grief, death and dying.
Lending Library: More than 400 grief-related resources are available to anyone in the community. Contact Shalen Steinbugl, Volunteer Coordinator/Grief Specialist, at 814-660-1069 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to borrow any of the resources in our library.